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Become a GEE Retailer Today.

Do you work or own for a business interested in carrying our products?

Why Great Eastern Entertainment?

High Variety: Our catalog consists of over 100 different product categories from a variety of different anime and video game series.

Accessible: With $300 minimum on all orders, we are accessible to most retailers.

Convenient: Order online at any time via our wholesale website.

Customer Friendly: If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Interested in getting started as a retailer? To make this process as smooth and efficient as possible, we kindly ask that you contact us directly via email at with the following information necessary to open your account:

  • Full Name
  • Company Name
  • Company Address (Billing and Shipping Address)
  • Wholesale Registration Number / Seller's Permit (if located in California)
  • Phone Number / Email
  • Photos of physical storefront and/or E-Commerce URLs

Thank you again for considering our products for your business. We look forward to hearing from you!